Wellness Tips
Why Is Eating Local Food Important?

Thank you for being a great neighbour!Every time you head to your neighbourhood store to fill your fridge or stock your pantry, you are making more impact than you might realize. Benefit your healthLocal = Seasonal, so when you choose a local shop, and they offer you locally grown and prepared foods, that food is fresher and can be cleaner (less pesticides or preservatives). Fresh, clean foods are nutrient -rich, health supporting foods. There are also many health benefits to engaging with your community and others. The effort of walking to the store and personal interactions will do as much for your emotional heart...
Downloadable Meal Plans

Our holistic nutritionist Christina Wilton created meal plan and recipes using the vegetables from farm-direct harvest box. You can download from here for FREE.
My doctor tells me my sugar is on the high side. Now what?

By Lada Kokan, MD Did you know that if your blood sugar is in the prediabetic range lifestyle interventions can help prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes and its complications (1)? You can also make a difference in your health risk if you had gestational diabetes (during pregnancy), have family members with type 2 diabetes or decide to reduce your weight (2). What does this mean? How do I do this? Does it really work? These, and more, seem to be excellent questions that I hope to address in a series of posts. We’ll start with What...
Smash your garlic!

By Christina Wilton, Dragonfly Thrive Smash your garlic – then pause! To get the powerful anti-microbial benefits from the allicin available in garlic, we need to break the cellular walls in the garlic clove. The enzyme allinase will be released from the cell walls and mix with the alliin compound to become the magical allicin. Be careful though, heat will denature or inactivate the allinase enzyme and then the allicin will not be created. There is a quick an easy fix, when you are cooking dinner, let the first task be to smash your garlic. In just 10 minutes, the...
7 tips from a pharmacist that don’t involve medications

By Paolo Sales, Pharmacist Through my years of practice as a community pharmacist, I have observed that a lot of people could be healthier if they employ from lifestyle changes. Before I move on though, let’s define health. According to the World Health Organization, Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. A lot of people have this misconception that if they don’t have high blood pressure or high cholesterol they are healthy. These tips you have heard before but they are important enough...